Urgent Press Release

Urgent Press Release

Since the morning of this Saturday the Palestinian Authority (PA) have set up security barriers at the entrances to the city of Ramallah and exits of the main cities in the West Bank, and it has arrested members of the Hizb to prevent the Khilafah Conference, which was planned by the party to be held at five o’clock in the afternoon in Ramallah after it has completed all the necessary (legal) procedures for it.

The reason for the ban according to the statement by the PA officials was against the backdrop of the PA accusation of the Hizb of assaulting Jordan’s Chief of Judges, Ahmed Halil, on Friday in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In the wake of these developments, the party decided to hold a direct press conference on Ma’an Agency satellite channel  to clear its position on what took place in Al-Aqsa Mosque and on the decision of the Palestinian Authority to ban its conference under the a pre-planned pretext. After completing the procedures with the agency’s management the PA informed Ma’an Agency administration of banning the press conference of the party, which exposes the PA and demonstrates its commitment to conceal the facts from the public opinion in order to achieve its pre-planned malicious objectives.

Consequently, the Hizb stresses that it will work to uncover the full facts and to deliver its message clearly to the people in spite of the PA, in its various and multiple methods, and will work to gain its right to exercise its political work and Shariah duties by force and the Shariah ways will aid in the achievement of this. The party will continue its march towards the work to bring the victory of this Ummah, and the Liberation of Palestine through the establishment of the Khilafah on the method of Prophethood.

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in the Blessed Land- Palestine