Collapsing Bajwa-Imran Regime Abducts the Advocates of Khilafah in a Futile Effort to Prevent its Inevitable Demise Kemaskini terakhir Jan 4, 2020 Kongsi Download Baca Juga: The Bajwa-Imran Regime has no Mercy for the Advocates of Khilafah that it Keeps in Abduction until Today, but Makes a Grand Display of Concern for those in Saudi Prisons Bajwa-Imran Regime Assists Khalilzad’s Frantic Efforts to Prevent the Collapse of the American Backed Regime in Kabul The Bajwa-Imran Regime Bolsters Trump’s Re-Election Campaign The Deceitful Bajwa-Imran Regime Loudly Denounces Trump’s Scorn, Whilst Gripping Tightly to the US Alliance Kongsi FacebookTwitterGoogle+WhatsAppEmail