Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia Hosts Iftar

A small comment was delivered by Br. Abu Anas in which he emphasised that as we witness another blessed Ramadan and contemplate on the situation of the Ummah around the world we see great reason to be proud of our Ummah, alhamdulillah. The cause of this being the ever-increasing activity and numbers of Islamic organsiations, mosques, centres, daw’ah intiatives etc all over the world, a microcosm of which we witness in Sydney. This is a great blessing from Allah and a reflection of the sincerity and efforts of the Muslims.
At the same time however, these achievements on the individual level are contrasted starkly with a different scenario on the societal level, where still the Shari’ah of Allah is not implemented anywhere in the world, his hudud lay neglected, the Muslim lands are divided and ruled over by foreign agents ruling by kufr, consequently being subject to a myriad of social problems and economic backwardness.
As such, this Ramadan should be an opportunity for us to take stock of our situation once more and with the realisation that things are improving, to resolve to work harder from hereonin with a renewed sincerity to Allah, the Exalted.
As such, this Ramadan should be an opportunity for us to take stock of our situation once more and with the realisation that things are improving, to resolve to work harder from hereonin with a renewed sincerity to Allah, the Exalted.
We would like to thank once more all those who attended.
May Allah make us all of those who love one another for the sake of Allah alone.
Source : Hizbut Tahrir Australia