Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh strongly condemns the arrests of 27 party members and activists

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Chief Coordinator and Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh Mohiuddin Ahmed in a press release issued today strongly condemned the arrests of 27 party members and activists yesterday (01 March) and today (02 March). He also demanded their immediate release.

Mohiuddin Ahmed said the Prime Minister and members of her cabinet held numerous meetings with the murderers during the two days of rebellion at the BDR headquarters. Instead of arresting these mass murderers, the government is busy arresting members and activists of Hizb ut-Tahrir for exposing the so-called mutiny as ‘part of a long-term plot which was carried out by India and her agents inside and outside the government.’

Mohiuddin Ahmed also condemned the government’s decision to invite the UN, US and UK for assistance in the investigations; yet the UN. US, and UK are busy butchering Muslims globally as well being vocal supporters of the government. He added that the people are shocked at the statement made by the Prime Minister’s son and advisor Sajib Wajed Joy in an interview with Al-Jazeera that there were legitimate grievances for the mutiny while the entire country is fully convinced that it was a conspiracy. This only strengthens the people’s doubts about the government’s mysterious role in the mutiny.
Mohiuddin Ahmed
Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh

Source: Khilafah.com

Bangladesh: Resist the Indian Plot to Destroy the BDR Army

Resist the Indian Plot to Destroy the Army-BDR and Protest against Government Inaction

The people of the country are angry and saddened by the horrific events of 25-26th February at the BDR headquarters especially the pre-planned and barbaric killings of more than a hundred military officers. Brutally murdering unarmed military officers and their families is an unforgivable crime.

Mutilating dead bodies of officers; torturing and killing their wives and children including pregnant women; rape and burning dead bodies – all these inhumane acts were carried out by gang of Indian agents.

Oh People!
All of you are aware of the Indian plot to weaken and create divisions in the defence forces of Bangladesh. India and her local agents utilized the opportunity and current favourable moment to execute their conspiracy as they did many times in the past. The events have made it clear that the so-called mutiny was part of long-term plot and was carried out by India and her agents inside and outside the government. The mass killing of so many brilliant officers would only be of benefit to the polytheist enemy and her agents. Now they are blaming the killings on intelligence failure and so-called differences between the BDR and Army.

An analysis of events of the two days clearly point out the mysterious role of the Awami League government.

• Did the government not have any information of a conspiracy of this magnitude?
• Why did the government send inexperienced ministers and MP’s to negotiate with the rebels on such an important security issue who ensured the safety of the rebels only? Yet they did nothing to protect the lives, property and honour of the officers and their families.
• Why did the ministers and MP’s who were frequenting in and out of the BDR compound feel safe and secure to move amongst the rebels in such a hostile situation unaccompanied by any security personnel?
• What was the purpose of the government in hurriedly declaring a general amnesty for the rebels without confirming the fate of the officers and their families?
• Did the government not allow the criminals to effectively flee from the scene by declaring the amnesty; vacating the locality; and blacking out the entire area?

Oh People!
In the guise of various demands the conspirators have managed to completely destroy the BDR chain of command and are now scheming to separate the BDR from the military’s command. This so-called demand is a threat to the security of the country. The sole beneficiary of separating the BDR from the army and creating divisions between the two forces will be the Indian enemy. This demand is unacceptable and the defence forces of the country must remain under the command of the military.

Oh People!
In this moment of crisis, Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh urges you to take the following steps:

• Resist the conspiracy to destroy the army and BDR;
• Take the government to task for its inaction and mysterious role in the conspiracy; and
• Raise your voice for punishing the individuals involved in the conspiracy and the killings.

And rush forward to re-establish the Khilafah which will unite the people and strengthen the defence forces to resist all belligerent states including US, India, and Britain.

Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh
02 Rabi al-Awwal 1430
28 February 2009