Indonesian Islamist Group Demands Russia Release Members

Around 200 Indonesians from the Islamist group Hizbut Tahrir rallied Thursday outside Russia’s embassy, demanding the release of six of its leaders and accusing Moscow of planting weapons to smear them.

Women in black robes and white headscarves, men and children held portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin above the words “The real terrorist.”

Police in Moscow said on November 12 they had arrested six leaders and active members of Hizbut Tahrir (Party of Liberation) after finding they were “leading active recruitment work in Moscow mosques, and spreading extremist literature.”

Hizbut Tahrir has been outlawed as a terrorist organization in Russia and several other countries but remains legal in Indonesia.

“We are calling for the release of detained Hizbut Tahrir members in Russia and for the revocation of Russia’s vicious accusations,” Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia said in a statement.

Police in Moscow said they had confiscated grenades, weapons, ammunition and “extremist” literature in raids on the members’ homes.

“This is a vicious fabrication by Russian agencies who planted materials in the homes of Hizbut Tahrir members,” the statement said.

“Our pursuit is to return to the Islamic way of life under a caliphate, so we have no need for weapons and ammunition.”

Hizbut Tahrir, headquartered in Britain, has its biggest branch in the world in Indonesia, which has the world’s biggest Muslim population. It considers itself a political organization and rejects violence, according to its website.

The group regularly organizes non-religious demonstrations and is believed to be one of the most powerful hard-line groups in Indonesia, with hundreds of thousands of members.

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