Kenyataan Media: Penangkapan Jurucakap dan seorang anggota Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia

Penangkapan Jurucakap dan seorang anggota Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia

Pada hari Jumaat 20 November 2015, sekumpulan anggota polis dari Cawangan Khas, Bukit Aman telah menangkap Ketua Maktab I’lamiy, yang juga Jurucakap Hizbut Tahrir / Malaysia, Ustaz Abdul Hakim Othman di rumahnya di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. Dalam serbuan lebih kurang jam 6:30 pagi tersebut, pihak polis turut merampas sebuah telefon bimbit dan komputer riba miliknya. Pada waktu yang sama, seorang lagi anggota Hizbut Tahrir, Ustaz Umar Hussein turut ditangkap di kediamannya di Batu Caves, Selangor dan pihak polis turut merampas telefon bimbit miliknya. Kedua mereka ditangkap di bawah Seksyen 105 Kanun Acara Jenayah. Mereka kemudian di bawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Dang Wangi, Kuala Lumpur untuk siasatan dan tahanan lanjut. Mereka disoalsiasat selama lebih kurang 10 jam dan tidak dibenarkan solat Jumaat pada hari berkenaan.

Dalam kenyataannya, Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Tajuddin Md Isa mengesahkan yang kedua orang aktivis Hizbut Tahrir itu ditahan bagi membantu siasatan susulan protes dan himpunan bagi membantah kehadiran Presiden Amerika ke ibu negara. Selain kerana demonstrasi menolak Obama sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, siasatan sebenarnya menjurus kepada perjuangan Hizbut Tahrir menegakkan Khilafah dan penglibatan kedua-dua aktivis itu dalam Hizbut Tahrir selama ini. Pihak polis turut memberi amaran akan mengambil tindakan terhadap aktiviti-aktiviti Hizbut Tahrir yang melanggar undang-undang Malaysia. Dalam soal siasat itu juga, pihak polis cuba mengaitkan Hizbut Tahrir dengan kumpulan bersenjata Islamic State (IS).

Apa yang nyata, di sepanjang soal siasat tersebut, pihak kerajaan telah lama memantau dengan cukup mendalam segala gerak kerja Hizbut Tahrir di Malaysia sejak lebih 10 tahun lepas dan tidak senang dengan segala fikrah Islam serta aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh Hizbut Tahrir.

Kami ingin tegaskan di sini bahawa Hizbut Tahrir merupakan sebuah parti politik Islam antarabangsa yang berjuang untuk mengembalikan semula kehidupan Islam dengan jalan menegakkan Khilafah Rasyidah di atas jalan kenabian. Sejak 1953, Hizbut Tahrir bergerak secara politik dan intelektual dengan mencontohi jalan yang ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah (saw) dan tidak pernah menggunakan kekerasan sedikit pun dalam usahanya menegakkan Negara Khilafah dan hal ini telah diketahui oleh seluruh dunia. Oleh sebab itu, cubaan untuk mengaitkan Hizbut Tahrir dengan kumpulan bersenjata IS adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Hizbut Tahrir tidak pernah mengiktiraf Negara Khilafah yang diisytiharkan oleh kumpulan IS, malah Hizbut Tahrir menyatakan dengan jelas dan tegas bahawa perjuangan bersenjata yang diambil oleh kumpulan IS dalam menegakkan Khilafah adalah menyalahi syarak dan Khilafah yang mereka dirikan itu tidak sah, di samping telah memberi imej yang salah dan cukup negatif terhadap Islam dan terhadap Negara Khilafah yang sebenar.

Kami juga ingin tegaskan di sini bahawa wajib bagi kerajaan menegakkan hukum Allah secara kaffah dan atas dasar itu, Hizbut Tahrir memuhasabah kerajaan, kerana hanya dengan penerapan hukum Allah secara kaffah sahajalah yang akan membawa kesejahteraan, keadilan dan kebaikan kepada rakyat (Muslim mahupun non-Muslim) dan kepada negara. Hanya dengan penerapan hukum Allah sahajalah, rahmat Allah akan tersebar ke seluruh alam dan agama Allah (Islam) akan zahir di atas agama-agama yang lain.

Abdul Hakim Othman

Ketua Maktab I’lamiy, Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia

Arrest of a Spokesperson and a Member of Hizb ut Tahrir Malaysia

On Friday, 20th November 2015, a group of the Special Branch police task force from Bukit Aman police headquarters has arrested the Head of Media Office, who is also is spokesperson of Hizb ut Tahrir / Malaysia, Ustaz Abdul Hakim Othman at his home in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. During the raid at about 6:30 am, the police also seized his mobile phone and laptop. At the same time, another member of Hizb ut Tahrir, Ustaz Umar Hussein was also arrested at his home in Batu Caves, Selangor and the police also seized his mobile phone. Both of them were arrested under Section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code. They were taken to the Dang Wangi police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur for further investigation and detention. Both were questioned for about 10 hours and denied from Friday prayers that day.

In his statement, the Kuala Lumpur Police Chief Datuk Tajuddin Md Isa confirmed that both individuals were detained for further investigation following the demonstration protesting the presence of US President Barack Obama in Malaysia. Apart from investigating the demonstration against Obama’s visit as stated by the Kuala Lumpur Police Chief, the investigation was actually focused on the work of Hizb ut Tahrir in re-establishing the Khilafah and the involvement of the duo in Hizb ut Tahrir’s activities all the while. The police also warned that they will take action against the activities of Hizb ut Tahrir which violate the laws of Malaysia. During the interrogation, the police also tried to link Hizb ut Tahrir with the armed group of Islamic State (IS).

What is clear during the interrogation is that the government has been closely monitoring the activities of Hizb ut Tahrir in Malaysia for the past 10 years and has not been happy with the activities and Islamic thought carried by Hizb ut Tahrir.

We would like to assert that Hizb ut Tahrir is an international Islamic political party working to resume the Islamic way of life by re-establishing the Khilafah Rashidah upon the method of the Prophethood. Since 1953, Hizb ut Tahrir has been engaged in political and intellectual struggle by following the path of the Prophet (saw) and has never engaged in any violence in its effort to re-establish the Khilafah. This is a well-known fact across the globe. Hence, the attempt to link Hizb ut Tahrir with the armed group of IS is totally baseless. Hizb ut Tahrir does not recognize the Khilafah declared by the IS group and we have stated very clearly and unequivocally that the armed-struggle carried out by IS in their work to establish the Khilafah contradicts the divine rules and is therefore null and void. Furthermore, its methodology conveys a totally corrupt image of Islam and have brought a highly negative perception towards Islam and the true Khilafah.

We also want to stress that it is fardh (divine obligation) for the government to implement the Islamic law in its totality and on that basis, Hizb ut Tahrir has been accounting the government, since only the implementation of Allah’s law will prosperity, justice and mercy be realized amidst the people (Muslim or non-Muslim alike) and the country. Only by implementing the law of Allah alone, the grace of Allah will be disseminated throughout the universe and His Deen (Islam) will dominate over the others.

Finally, we would like to stress that neither the arrest of the members of Hizb ut Tahrir nor any other obstacles placed in the path of our da’wah, will stop us, not even slightly, from our work. They will instead strengthen and intensify our efforts until Allah (swt) grants His victory to His Deen.

Abdul Hakim Othman

Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Malaysia