PHOTOS: London Demonstration denounces Zardari’s bloodbath in Swat

Hundreds of demonstrators converged on the Pakistan High Commission in London from all over the UK on 9th May 2009 to condemn the military operation ordered by the Zardari regime in Swat. 

Kasim Khwaja, member of the Executive Committee of Hizb ut Tahrir Britain, addressed the crowd first. He said Zardari had betrayed the people of Pakistan by ordering this brutal attack on the defenceless men, women and children of Swat, Buner and Dir and that over 500,000 people have been displaced from their homes to add to the 500,000 previously displaced in the tribal areas and that hundreds of people have been killed and maimed. Kasim said that Zardari is launching this attack for America’s sake and asked how is it possible that Zardari is doing the same thing that Israel does to the Palestinians as the world recently witnessed in Gaza? The people in Swat are being attacked by fighter jets and artillery only because the Muslims of Pakistan have a desire to live by the Shariah he said. He said that America is financially bankrupt and militarily weak which is why America is using its agent ruler Zardari to do the slaughtering instead. He added that the only reason why America and Zardari could commit such murder today was because the shield of the Muslims, the Khilafah system is absent.

Atif Salahuddin from Hizb ut Tahrir Britain’s Pakistan team then addressed the rally in urdu. He spoke of how Zardari had gone to meet Obama in the White House and presented him with the blood of the men, women and children of Swat as a gift. Atif went on to say that the Zardari regime was taking its orders from Washington and that only America will benefit from this attack by creating civil war inside Pakistan. America fears the growing call for Islam from the people of Pakistan, it fears that Khilafah will be established in Pakistan and it is desperate to weaken and destroy Pakistan just like it did Iraq. To do this, America wants Zardari to attack his own people to create hatred between the people and the army. Atif said that from now on Zardari will no longer be known just as ‘Mr Ten Percent’ but as the ‘Butcher of Buner’.

Dr Abdul Wahid, Chairman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain’s UK Executive Committee, then addressed the people. He said the Muslims of Pakistan had made many sacrifices to establish Pakistan so that they could live by Islam. Zardari and Gilani he said are destroying all of these hopes of the last sixty years by betraying Allah (swt) and the Muslims of Pakistan. Dr Abdul Wahid said that a monumental crime is being committed by the Zardari regime which has turned Swat into a slaughterhouse. He said Muslims all over the world must speak out to condemn the brutal massacre being committed by Zardari to implement America’s plan as we would all be accountable on the Day of Judgement. He explained that both Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif have betrayed the people of Pakistan by supporting and working with the Americans and the British and that the reason why this was possible was because the corrupt democratic system keeps on allowing these people to come to power. Before that Pervez Musharraf and his military rule also did the same by welcoming the Americans to Pakistan. 

Taji Mustafa, the media representative of Hizb ut Tahrir Britain, then addressed the demonstration saying it was with great sorrow that we had come here. Taji said that in the past we had come out to condemn the atrocities committed by the Israelis in Palestine, by the Americans in Iraq, by the Russians in Chechnya but never before for the Muslims of Pakistan at the hands of their rulers. Taji said the real root cause for all of this was the Muslim rulers who betray their people by serving the interest of western governments. The British and American governments continuously support these tyrants in the Muslim world such as Zardari to ensure that the Muslim world will never be able to rise up and be free from their influence. He said the Muslims of Pakistan were part of the global Ummah and Muslims all around the world must not remain silent about Zardari’s slaughter and that whatever differences Muslims may have with one another, they must not resort to killing one another. He said we must increase our political work to re-establish the Khilafah by contacting our friends and family both inside and outside Pakistan so that the message is delivered loud and clear to both Washington and London and the treacherous rulers of Pakistan that their era of tyranny is inshallah about come to an end. 

The protest ended with Kasim Khwaja leading the dua for the Muslims in Swat and the rest of Pakistan for Allah (swt) to strengthen them at this terrible moment and to allow the Muslims to re-establish the Khilafah that confines Zardari, Gilani and their helpers to the dustbin of history.

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