Politicians, intellectuals, ulama and media personalities condemn the arrest of 30 HT members

Press Release

Hizbut Tahrir organized Iftar gathering

Politicians, intellectuals, ulama and media personalities condemn the arrest of 30 Hizbut Tahrir members and activists and demand their immediate release

Hizbut Tahrir in Bangladesh organized a discussion and Iftar gathering today at the Razmoni Isha Kha hotel with politicians, intellectuals, ulama and media personalities. The participants at the gathering unanimously issued a statement condemning the arrest of 30 members and activists of Hizbut Tahrir from the Badr Victory rally on Friday 06 September. They demanded the immediate release of those arrested as well as other members and activists of the party who were arrested previously. They also expressed great appreciation of the leading role taken by Hizbut Tahrir in challenging the imperialists and their agents and working for establishing the Khilafah. .

The participants at the gathering included: prominent politician Shafiul Alam Prodhan, former chief of BDR Major General Fazlur Rahman, renowned columnist Sadeq Khan, Mobaidur Rahman, Associate Editor of the Daily Inqilab, Mowlana Jafrullah Khan, General Secretary of Bangladesh Khilafah Movement, Mowlana Hemayet Uddin, Joint General Secretary of Islami (Constitution) Movement of Bangladesh, Khandaker Golam Murtaza, Chairman of NDP, Alamgir Majumdar, General Scretary of NDP, Advocate Abdul Mubin, Chairman of Bangladesh Islamic Party, Mufti Faizullah, Organization Secretary of Islamic Unity Front, Atikul Islam, General Secretary of Bangladesh Muslim League, Professor Dr Enamul Hoque Azad, Chairman of Islamic Unity Movement-Dhaka city branch, Anwarul Hoque, Chairman of NAP, Mustafa Bhuiyan, General Secretary of NAP, and Mowlana Shah Ataullah Ibn Hafezi Hujur.

Chief Coordinator and Official Spokesman of Hizbut Tahrir in Bangladesh Mohiuddin Ahmed delivered the keynote speech. He mentioned the following points in his speech:

1. The government of Sheikh Hasina has committed heinous crimes in its first eight months. This government must not be allowed to complete even half its term, let alone the full five year term.

2. The BNP alliance is not an alternative to the government of Sheikh Hasina and the Awami League alliance. Furthermore Muslims must beware of imperialist plans for creating other so-called alternatives. The people must not place any hope in the individuals or parties who belong to the current ruling system and serve imperialist America, Britain and India.

3. Muslims must resist all imperialist plans to dominate over the country. The people of influence and power have to resist the conspiracies to weaken the defence forces of the country and at the same time they must work for strengthening the country’s army, navy and air force.

4. It is an Islamic obligation upon the Muslims to join the movement for re-establishing the Khilafah. They have to rush forward to support Hizbut Tahrir which is leading this movement. In particular, the people of influence and power must provide their support to the party in its work for removing the current rulers and establishing the Khilafah.

Mohiuddin Ahmed
Official Spokesman of Hizbut Tahrir in Bangladesh
06 September 2009