Press Release: The Military Forces of the ‘Collective Security Treaty Organization’ Complete their Exercises in Tajikistan

The Military Forces of the ‘Collective Security Treaty Organization’ Complete their Exercises in Tajikistan

Three days ago, the military forces of the ‘Collective Security Treaty Organization’ (CSTO), which are considered to be a Rapid Defence Force, ended war exercises in Southern Tajikistan. All of the members of the Rapid Defence Force participated in these exercises comprising of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, whilst the number of those participating numbered more than 2500 soldiers. The objective of these exercises is the joint defence against any attack by the enemies of the State of Afghanistan as they had announced.

The success of these exercises was declared in addition to the accomplishment of the objective that was sought and this was when the General Secretary of the CSTO Nikolay Bordyuzha stated when talking about the reasons for the exercises: ‘The threat from Afghanistan persists, connected with the presence of Taliban and other groups which are not under the control of Kabul. These groups are in Southern Afghanistan and represent a threat to the CSTO. This dangerous situation in Afghanistan is therefore one of the main reasons that led us to undertake these exercises in addition to affirming the readiness of the collective Rapid Defence Forces of the CSTO’. Nikolay Bordyuzha also added, ‘Alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan there are some members of ISIS and this makes the situation an area of concern for the CSTO’.

It is noticeable that Russia is under international political pressure due to its aggression to annex Crimea, the events of the war in Ukraine and the imposition of international sanctions upon it as a result of that war. For this reason Russia is attempting to compensate for that by displaying its power within the CSTO!

At the same time Russia does not want to give up its standing within Central Asia despite having lost strategic positions and interests in the region. Nevertheless it still continues to preserve its military forces in many of the countries of Central Asia and to develop them. Therefore Russia is trying to create heated situations in the region so that the people of the region begin to feel that they are in need of Russian protection and power. As such it needs to create panic, chaos and threatening situations coming from Afghanistan so that the need for the CSTO remains in place, or in other words, so that the need for Russian protection remains in place! This then represents a policy that follows the policies of the colonialist states in the case where they instigate and stir fear, panic and instability in a region and then exploit that to intervene and interfere just as America does in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The same then applies to Russia as the military exercises in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan are continuous, one following the other, and the aim of this is to cultivate fear within Central Asia.

Indeed Kyrgyzstan is the most exposed land to the likes of these interferences by way of creating problems in it from the States that have covetous ambitions within it like Russia, America and China. This is what makes Kyrgyzstan unstable as long as it does not become independent from those states and if it doesn’t become independent many calamities will befall it.

Atambayev, like his predecessors, have been ignorant of or ignored the fact that holding fast to the Islamic Aqeedah is alone what can save them from the crimes of those states and it is this Aqeedah that will realize strength and unity for them causing them to have might and contentment by Islam. Indeed this power of the Aqeedah exists and is present in all of the states of Central Asia. Each from the states knows that their people are strongly attached to their Islamic Aqeedah and yet they do not think to exploit and utilize this great power for the benefit of their lands against the disbelievers and their commands that act against this Aqeedah. The people of Central Asia have sacrificed for the sake of this Aqeedah throughout the previous centuries and they still continue to sacrifice and especially the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir. This is because this Aqeedah is an Aqeedah of Jihad, sacrifice and of the powerful true word. Had the rulers of the Muslims comprehended this and invested in it well they would have been able to free their lands from the stranglehold of colonialism and cut off their influences from their lands.

Indeed our circumstances are very bad because the Kufr states are preparing to occupy our lands. For this reason, they are attempting to keep us away from our Deen and the secret of our power, represented in our Aqeedah. In spite of the Kufr states quarrelling and fighting against each other on the basis of their specific interests, they are all nevertheless unified as one single front to fight against the Islamic Aqeedah. This is what we witness in Syria, for example, which the Kaffir West is contending over, as they provide the criminal Bashar with all that he needs in terms of military and political support to decisively end the blessed revolution. This is all because the people of Shaam have declared their revolution an Islamic one. It is therefore obligatory for us, the Muslims of the lands of Central Asia, to remember and acknowledge that our salvation from everything that is happening to us, from catastrophes and abuses, cannot come from anything other than our returning to the Islamic Aqeedah. This is because up until now we are only victims of the game played by the major Kaffir international powers.

Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Kyrgyzstan