Restrictions on the media will not hide the defeat of colonialism

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Afghanistan

Press Release

No: 13, 1431

Date: 17th Rabi ul Awal, 1431 AH / 03 March 2010

Restrictions on the media will not hide the defeat of colonialism

On 02/03/10, the government of Afghanistan banned direct reporting from war zones and the reason to justify this cowardly act is because such reporting helps the enemy to plan their attacks against the security forces and they will use it for the publicity of their activities.

However, after severe criticism of the move to ban reporting from the war zone, the President’s spokesman took a u-turn and tried to deceive the journalist by saying that the purpose of this move is not to restrict the right to information but to protect the security forces from the onslaught of the enemy.*

As evident from the shameful move of the government, democracy is nothing but elected dictatorship that can even take away the right to information from its own people. The rhetoric of “freedom of speech” is nothing but a blatant hypocrisy that is often used by the west and their pawns to justify their wicked thoughts and actions against Muslims and Islam. Besides, “Freedom of expression” is only meant to rescue apostates like Kambakhsh and Abdurrahman as well as blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet of Islam صلى الله عليه وسلم by Denmark and films like “fitna” by the MP of the Netherlands.

The people of Afghanistan should understand that all these so called freedoms which democracy offers are only meant to eradicate the Islamic norms and values from the society.

The only solution to all these problems is the implementation of Islam as a way of life, Khilafah. It’s the Khilafah that will liberate the Ummah from all sorts of miseries, which are inflicted upon her by the colonialists with the help of these traitor rulers.

Come forward and join Hizb ut-Tahrir to revive the system of Khilafah that will ensure our protection.

 * Aghan gov. refers to the Taliban as the enemy.