The only role of the traitor rulers is brokerage for America

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan

NO : PR11009

Wednesday 11th Rabi al-Ath-thaani 1432H / 16/03/2011

The only role of the traitor rulers is brokerage for America

Raymond Davis was not just the murderer of two men, so who will pay for the terrorism and spying?

He was a man who expanded America’s espionage network. He was a man who was involved in many bomb blasts and drone attacks. He was a man who, along with other co-spies, killed thousands of Muslims in bazaars, schools, mosques and madrassas via bomb blasts. And based on these blasts, millions of people were displaced in the tribal areas by military operations. Is it justice to release such a man, a heinous criminal for diyah (blood money), a 20,000 Rupees fine and a few days’ detention? Absolutely, not!

Through this verdict, the traitor rulers have given a clear message to the American underground network that regardless of how many Muslims they kill, the Pakistani rulers will save them from the wrath of the people of Pakistan. Just as in the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, this is another slap in the face of the traitor rulers of Pakistan. May this verdict be the last nail in the coffin of these rulers!

It is clear yet again that all these traitor rulers are cheap agents to America and criminals against the Ummah, whom the Khilafah will take to their deserved end. These rulers have added another crime in the charge sheet against them in this world and the hereafter. These rulers have proved that in politics their role is mere brokerage for America. These rulers threatened the bereaved of the victims to pardon the American terrorist and now the bereaved have been removed from the public eye. The lawyers of the plaintiffs were kept in illegal detention and were even stopped from attending court. Is this an independent judiciary? As such this verdict is yet another evidence that justice is not possible in a judiciary within a democratic, kufr based system. Justice is only possible through the implementation of Islam under the Khilafah.

O Muslims!

Rise up and move with Hizb ut Tahrir to uproot this system. Participate in the 17th April countrywide rallies and compel the People of Power to give Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir for the establishment of the Khilafah, so that the Ummah can rid itself of America, this kufr system and these traitor rulers.

Naveed Butt
Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan

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