Zardari comes to London to update colonial master

altLondon UK, 27th August 2009 – Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari arrived in London this week for his fifth UK visit since becoming president. He is scheduled to meet British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary David Miliband.

Zardari’s visit comes as Britain’s relationship with corrupt and brutal regimes was exposed with the alleged deal with Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi over the recent release of Abdul Basit Al-Megrahi.

Zardari’s last trip to Britain and the USA was followed by an assault in Swat that displaced an estimated 3 million people, and comments that he sympathised with China’s regime in how it dealt with Muslims in the recent unrest in Xinjiang province.

Taji Mustafa, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain said: “Zardari hopes to earn rewards for what will be seen as ‘good behaviour’ in the eyes of his western masters.”

“The reports of a western funded reconstruction project for Swat will merely offer more profit motives for corrupt politicians in Pakistan – like they have for those in Afghanistan. The reconstruction plans also have echoes of Iraq – where western aid has gone into paying western companies and contractors and much of this has been for foreign embassies and other areas detached from the needs of ordinary people.”

“There is much talk of reconstruction, but little debate about Pakistan’s role in fighting a war on behalf of the US and its allies, which caused the destruction. Zardari’s government talks of aid to help in anti-terrorism operations and in funding western education programmes, but nothing about the daily power cuts people in Pakistan endure, or the rocketing food prices they are facing this Ramadhan.”

“If Zardari cared for the people of Pakistan he would be resisting pressure to fight a proxy war; he would be arguing as to why Pakistani students in the UK were wrongfully detained and humiliated in the media and slandered as terrorists; he would ask David Miliband to retract his false propaganda that the 9/11 attacks originated in Pakistan.”

“As long as western states continue to back despised rulers like Zardari, the Muslim world will continue to suffer. It is only an Islamic Khilafah state that will offer a system of government where rulers do not rule in the interests of Britain, the United States or their own bank accounts, but in the interests of their people – giving Islamic solutions to the many human problems the people in Pakistan and the wider region face.”

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