Hizb al-Tahrir supporters rally in Gaza

The demonstrators held signs calling for the return of the Islamic state, saying it would free the Al-Aqsa Mosque, help Muslims and save humanity.
“Our message to the leaders of the Arab Spring is that they should establish the Caliphate,” Hizb al-Tahrir spokesman Hassan Madhoun told Ma’an.
“Otherwise they will have the same fate as those who preceded you,” Madhoun said.
He added that the pacifist group was against the concept of land swaps in a peace treaty with Israel.
“We refuse the swap of lands, and we want you to change your leaders,” he said, referring to Islamic leaders.
The group also held a rally in Ramallah on Tuesday, where its supporters declared their solidarity with the “revolution of Damascus.”
Hizb al-Tahrir representative Musab Abu Arqoub said the group had contacted Palestinian Authority security forces in Ramallah to notify them of the demonstration, but did not receive a reply within 24 hours and considered this a green light to hold the rally.
Abu Arqoub added that demonstrators faced no obstruction from security forces at the rally.
Source: maannews.net