Press Release: End Persecution of Hizb ut Tahrir; Free Dr. Iftikhar, Arrested Since 26 May 2015

Press Release

End Persecution of Hizb ut Tahrir

Free Dr. Iftikhar, Arrested Since 26 May 2015


As part of a series highlighting the personalities of Hizb ut Tahrir who are being persecuted by the regime, we present the case of Dr. Iftikhar.

Dr. Iftikhar is now 40 years old, married with three children and a medical doctor. He was arrested on 26 May 2015 outside Ghurki Hospital in Lahore where he was seeking treatment.

Dr. Iftikhar is a well-respected physician, a graduate of Rawalpindi Medical College, has been a registrar in adult medicine in Ghurki Hospital and now has a teaching post at the Lahore Medical and Dental College.

Dr. Iftikhar suffers from ulcerative colitis, which has led to severe blood loss and weakness. He has been taking strong medicines, so that he can function day to day, including daily oral steroids and more recently Cyclosporin A, a strong immuno-suppressant. He has to undergo regular review by a surgeon because persistent poor health may require surgery to remove some of his gut at any time.

Despite severe and prolonged illness, Dr. Iftikhar continued marching in strong strides in carrying the call for the return of the Khilafah (caliphate) upon the Method of the Prophethood. He is well-respected for his wide and deep knowledge of Islam and loved for his deep caring for the Ummah, humbleness, forthright manner and pure sincerity.

In prison, Dr. Iftikhar has been repeatedly denied medical treatment.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Wilayah Pakistan

Sunday, 3rd Rajab 1437 AH
10/04/2016 CE
No: PR16021