Press Release: Pickets by Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Jordan to Support RasulAllah (saw)

Pickets by Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Jordan to Support RasulAllah (saw)

As part of the campaign “Khilafah that we want  … Support for the Messenger of Allah”, Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Jordan carried out several pickets in a number of the larger mosques in the capital Amman, Zarqa, Rusaifa and Irbid after Friday prayers today, where several talks were delivered in support of the Messenger of Allah (saw). The worshippers shouted Allahu Akbar around these mosques, and demanded the defense of the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him and the practical application of Shariah to establish an Islamic Khilafah on the method of the Prophethood. Banners were raised in the areas carrying the following titles: “If you do not aid the Prophet – Allah has already aided him” and “The greatest insult to the Messenger of Allah (saw) is that our constitution is not the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw). And among the chants repeated by the participants were:

Secularism is ludicrous  … We will end it by the Khilafah
By our Lord and with His Help… We will ascend the Alps
O Westerners O Jews … Mohammed’s Army is returning
Our Lord is Allah and Muhammad is our leader … by His Deen, His Shariah and His Quran we worship
This hatred and this hate … It is borderless O France
Khilafah’s army is returning … You shall witness the response
O secularism O France … Debased is your freedom… Debased
The Secular and the Cross … have abused the Beloved
Where are the Ummah’s Armies… to erase the abuse of our Prophet
Iblis and a son of Iblis … all those who participated in Paris
O France we have not forgotten … the abuse of our Prophet
Coming is the Muslim army… to respond with two fold
The pen that draws, and the hand … we shall cut its vein.
Stickers were distributed calling for the defense of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and with the explanation of the proper response that should be to the insult to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. Alhamdulilah, the pickets were met with acclaimed and mass participation.

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Jordan