Press Response: Ahmad bin Sameeda is a politician offers thought of deep roots and flourishing profile, so what is the cringing for, O Ustadha Maya?!

Press Response
Ahmad bin Sameeda is a politician offers thought of deep roots and flourishing profile, so what is the cringing for, O Ustadha Maya?!

Those who watched the program “Kalam An-Nas” (People’s Talk) on 27/05/2015 will definitely realize the cringing state that took over Ustadha Maya Al Qasury when she was prejudice in a clear and unexplained manner on a politician in his prime of life by calling him with the worst names and poured on him a load of allegations when he mentioned, by mistake, that Louis Machuel is the Resident-General, and it is a mistake that might be due to improvising.

What is more surprising is her attack on the student, Brother Ahmad bin Sameeda, while she was counting the “pros” of Louis Machuel, who was closer to her than any of her own people, so she showed her hatred which would ward off those who are close and near!!

Regardless of this, we thank Ustadha Maya for correcting the piece of information which needed interference from the politician Ahmad bin Sameeda, but it was transferred to us literally via what was written on the webpage. Her words would have had an effect if we heard them before remembering how Machuel has used all sorts of infiltrations in order to bash into the Arabic language and the Great religion of Islam, and that his appointment in 1883 CE was due to the attention of the colonial France been captured by the role of education in general and Al Zaytoune education in specific in forming the minds and thoughts of the generations. So, France wanted to interfere in a way that it avoids a clash and at the same time achieve its objectives, in order to invade the mentality of the Muslims in Tunisia, to form awareness for the generations according to its concepts and values, and to shape a generation soaked with the concepts of the Western civilization and ideologies. Whomever it was able to take over is a follower of the West and fifth in line is our country, and this is what the West is doing nowadays.

This is where the picture has been made clear showing the stark difference between those who claim to have a culture, even though they are merely imitating and most of the time without in-depth understanding, and between this politician who is carving his way clearly in the display and clearly in the basis of emanating from a correct ideology which set aside the cringing and attack.

We wonder what has upset those who claim modernity from Ahmad bin Sameeda, the owner of boldness and opinionate, or do they want a person to stay as a teenager until he reaches the age of thirty to find himself a victim of the conspiracy of the conspirators?! In reality, he can be proud to be a person of thought, opinion, and boldness with the readiness to go back to the facts whenever needed.

In conclusion, we ask you O Ustadha: How can you be – even in the reality of land and birth which you keep repeating as a source of your pride – closer to Machuel than Ahmad bin Sameeda regardless of the minor details in identification which do not change anything from the reality of dependence and followership?
Ustadha Hanan Al Khamiri

Official Spokeswoman of the Women’s Section
of Hizb ut Tahrir in Tunisia