Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan Offers Its Vision of the Concept of Shura

Press Release
Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan Offers Its Vision of the Concept of Shura
In the Regular Pulpit of the Council of Muslim Scholars in the Gadaref State

Mr. Nasser Ridha – Head of the Central Communications Committee of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan delivered a lecture, in the regular pulpit of the Council of Muslim Scholars in the Gadaref State, in the presence of the brothers the scholars, members of the Council, which was also attended by Members of Hizb ut Tahrir, Brothers Mohammed Hassan Ahmed, and Balla Mahmoud on Saturday 17th Ramadan 1436 AH corresponding to 04/07/2015 CE. The lecture was about the Battle of Badr, in commemoration of this great event, in this blessed month and it presented the following main highlights:

• Seerah must be read not as mere stories to tell, but as a way of life and a Deen that guides us in the course of our lives
• The Companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw) have made the spread of Islam and the application of its Ahkam, their vital issue – that is the issue of life or death, and linked their actions to the Hereafter and their believing of the words of the Messenger of Allah (saw).
• Through events and attitudes in the Battle of Badr, the lecturer focused on the rule of Shura, so that the manner to practically practice it in our reality today is known.

Then they were questions and interactions by the brothers, the head of Council and the scholars, who praised on what is stated in the lecture, and said that it considered the practical aspect of the Seerah and linked it to our lived reality.

The scholars stressed that visions offered by the Hizb are good, and address our reality today, and that the Council opens its doors to Hizb ut Tahrir, to present these ideas, because everyone agrees on the establishment of Khilafah Rashidah on the method of the Prophethood.

Ibrahim Othman (Abu Khalil)
Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Sudan