Menteri Hal-Ehwal Agama Berjaya Dibutakan Oleh Rejim China!

Semasa lawatannya ke China pada 23-30/06/2019, Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang menjaga hal-ehwal agama, Datuk Seri Dr. Mujahid Yusuf telah dibawa melawat ke tempat di mana Muslim Uighur dikatakan sedang menjalani latihan vokasional. Semasa ucapannya selepas itu di Beijing Foreign Studies University, pada 27 Jun 2019, Dr. Mujahid menyatakan “Another problem we faced today is the potential of instigating the world society with false news that could trigger relations between nations and people across the continent. False news in China about Muslims been oppressed could trigger a wave of sympathy to the oppressed and affect relationship…” (“Satu lagi masalah yang kita hadapi hari ini ialah potensi untuk menghasut masyarakat dunia dengan berita palsu yang boleh mencetuskan hubungan antara bangsa-bangsa dan penduduk di seluruh benua. Berita palsu di China tentang umat Islam yang ditindas boleh mencetuskan gelombang simpati kepada mereka yang tertindas dan menjejaskan hubungan…”).

La haula wa la quwwata illa billah… Bagaimana mungkin seorang Menteri Agama boleh dibutakan dengan begitu mudah oleh sebuah rejim yang sudah diketahui seluruh dunia sebagai penindas umat Islam? Tidakkah beliau membaca berita-berita yang sudah tersebar luas bagaimana dahsyatnya rejim China yang anti-Islam itu memperlakukan saudara-saudara Muslim kita di sana? Tidakkah beliau membaca berita-berita bagaimana rejim China tidak membenarkan Muslim Uighur untuk bersolat dan berpuasa, malah mereka tidak dibenarkan untuk menyimpan janggut atau memakai hijab sekali pun? Tidakkah beliau melihat dokumentari-dokumentari dan laporan-laporan daripada banyak pihak termasuk daripada kumpulan Hak Asasi Manusia yang menjelaskan bagaimana lebih sejuta Muslim Uighur ditangkap, dipenjara dan diseksa di kem-kem tahanan China dalam rangka rejim kufur itu mengeluarkan mereka daripada Islam? Tidakkah beliau membaca berita-berita mengenai pengakuan Muslim Uighur yang berjaya lari ke Malaysia di mana mereka mengatakan, “Lebih baik bagi kerajaan Malaysia membunuh sahaja kami di sini daripada menghantar kami pulang ke tempat asal kami untuk dibunuh secara kejam oleh rejim China”? Apakah hanya kerana melawat satu kem yang telah ‘disediakan khas’ untuk mengaburi segala kejahatan rejim, maka Menteri Agama terus buta matanya? Bagaimana mungkin seorang Menteri Agama boleh dibutakan dengan begitu mudah oleh rejim China dengan hanya sekali lawatan?

Hanya kerana ingin menjaga hubungan diplomatik dan dagang dengan sebuah negara kafir muharibah fi’lan, Menteri Agama sanggup menyatakan bahawa penindasan yang wujud hanyalah sebuah berita palsu! Di mana letaknya persaudaraan, di mana letaknya kepedulian, di mana letaknya ketegasan dan keberanian, di mana letaknya halal dan haram, di mana letaknya hukum Islam? Sungguh malang apabila Menteri Agama sanggup menjadi penyambung lidah China berbanding membela nasib saudara seagama yang tertindas. Bagaimana mungkin beliau sanggup menyatakan bahawa penindasan ke atas kaum Muslimin di Turkestan Timur itu hanya sebuah berita palsu!? Bagaimana mungkin beliau boleh mempercayai kata-kata rejim kufur berbanding saudara seakidahnya sendiri? Sungguh amat memalukan!

Wahai kaum Muslimin! Sudah berdekad penderitaan yang dialami oleh saudara-saudara kita di China dan tidak ada seorang penguasa pun yang mengambil peduli tentang nasib mereka. Secebis kecaman pun tidak pernah kedengaran daripada mulut penguasa umat Islam yang berjumlah lebih daripada 50 orang di seluruh dunia, apatah lagi kita ingin mendengar laungan jihad daripada mereka! Lebih malang apabila pemimpin yang ada berjaya dibutakan dengan mudah oleh rejim kufur tersebut sehingga sanggup menyatakan bahawa penindasan yang wujud hanyalah berita palsu!

Sesungguhnya umat Islam sudah tidak boleh mengharapkan para pemimpin yang ada untuk menyelamatkan saudara-saudara kita yang tertindas di seluruh dunia kerana ternyata mereka berada di pihak penindas berbanding pihak yang ditindas. Mereka lebih menjaga hubungan dengan orang-orang kafir yang zalim berbanding saudara seakidah sendiri yang dizalimi. Satu-satunya harapan yang tinggal ialah dengan kembalinya seorang Khalifah yang sayangkan umat ini, yang akan mengeluarkan umat ini daripada segala kesengsaraan sekali gus mengajar kebiadaban puak-puak kuffar sehingga mereka tunduk kepada Islam dengan sebenar-benar ketundukan. Hizbut Tahrir sedang berusaha mengembalikan Khalifah ini, yang dengan izin Allah (swt) ia akan kembali memerintah dunia dalam masa terdekat dan akan mengeluarkan dunia daripada segala kegelapan menuju cahaya.

Abdul Hakim Othman

Jurucakap Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia

Selasa, Zulqa’idah 1440 H
09/07/2019 M
Ruj: HTM 1440 / 10

Press Release

The Minister of Religious Affairs was Successfully Blinded by the Chinese Regime!

During his visit to China on 23-30/06/2019, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in Charge of Religious Affairs, Datuk Seri Dr. Mujahid Yusuf was taken to a place where Uighur Muslims were said to be undergoing vocational training. During his speech later at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, on June 27, Dr. Mujahid states, “Another problem we faced today is the potential of instigating the world society with false news that could trigger relations between nations and people across the continent. False news in China about Muslims been oppressed could trigger a wave of sympathy to the oppressed and affect relationship…”

La haula wa la quwwata illa billah… How could a Minister of Religious Affairs be easily blinded by the notorious Muslim oppressing regime? Did he not read the widespread news of how dreadful the anti-Islam Chinese regime is treating our Muslim brothers, sisters, and youth there? Did he not read the news of how the regime forbids the Uighur Muslims from praying and fasting, and not even allowing Muslims to keep their beard or wear hijab? Did he not see the documentaries and reports from many parties including the Human Rights groups that reveal the arrest, imprisonment and torture of more than a million Uighur Muslims in the Chinese prison camps for no other reasons except to separate the Muslims from their Deen? Did he not read the news about the confessions of Uighur Muslims who managed to flee the oppression and came to Malaysia where they said, “It is better for the Malaysian government to kill us here rather than send us back to our hometown to be brutally killed by the Chinese regime”? Is it merely by one visit to a ‘well-prepared’ camp to obscure all crimes of the regime, that the Minister of Religious Affairs is easily blinded? How could a minister of religious affairs be easily blinded by the Chinese regime with only one visit?

Just for the sake of maintaining diplomatic and trade relations with a warring Kufr state, the Minister of Religious Affairs dared to say that the persecution on Uighur Muslims is false news! Where is the brotherhood, where is the concern, where is the steadfastness and courage, where is halal and haram, where is the Hukm of Islam? It so unfortunate that the Minister has become the extended voice of the Kufr regime, instead of becoming a protector to our oppressed brothers and sisters. How could he claim that the oppression on the Muslims in East Turkestan is just false news!? How could he believe the words of a Kufr regime compared to his own brothers of the same faith? This is extremely embarrassing!

O Muslims! It has been decades that our brothers and sisters have suffered in China and no Muslim ruler pays any attention to their fate. There has been no condemnation, not even slightly, coming from the mouths of Muslim rulers who number more than 50 across the globe, let alone to hear the cry of jihad from them! It is even more appalling when a current leader is easily blinded by the Kufr regime to the extent that he accords that the persecution on Muslims is false news!

Indeed, Muslims cannot put anymore hope in their current leaders to save our fellow brothers and sisters around the world, since they have always sided with the oppressors instead of the oppressed. Their bond with the Kuffar-oppressor is of concern to them more than the bond towards their own oppressed-brothers. The only hope left is with the return of a Caliph (Khalifah) who loves this Ummah and shall relieve it of all miseries and shall at the same time teach the ruthless-Kuffar lessons until they submit to Islam with an absolute submission. Hizb ut Tahrir has been working to reinstate this Caliph, and by the will of Allah (swt), he shall re-rule the world soon and shall bring the world out of all darkness into light.

Abdul Hakim Othman

Spokesperson of Hizb ut Tahrir in Malaysia

Ref: HTM 1440 / 10
Tuesday, 06th Dhul Qi’dah 1440 AH
09/07/2019 CE